
The databag system is a simple support system in Lektor that allows a Lektor website to load variables from simple key/value or JSON files. This is primarily useful to load translations, API keys and similar things that are needed in multiple templates.

From within templates you can use the bag function to access databags.

Supported Formats

Databags go into the databags/ folder in your project. There are two formats supported: key/value pairs as ini files as well as JSON files:

Extension Format
.json JSON
.ini INI Files with or without sections

Dotted notation is used to navigate into data bags which are globally merged together. This means that if you have a file named i18n.ini with a section [en] and a key CLICK_HERE the path i18n.en.CLICK_HERE will target that key. For JSON files further nesting is possible. You can also just target a section and the return value will be a dictionary which can for instance be used with the tojson filter.

Example Databag

This is a basic example of a data bag that contains configuration values for google maps. It's stored in databags/gmaps.ini:

key = 1233456ABCDEFG
api_url = https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/

This can then be used to good effect in templates:

{% macro render_map(location, width=600, height=450) %}
    width="{{ width }}" height="{{ height }}"
    frameborder="0" style="border:0"
    src="{{ bag('gmaps.api_url') }}?q={{ location|urlencode
      }}&key={{ bag('gmaps.key')|urlencode }}"
{% endmacro %}
